You know you are overdue for an air duct cleaning when the vents are blackened with soot. It’s important to clean up your air duct once or twice every few years in order to enjoy healthy and high-quality air indoors. If you have any pets then you might need to clean your ducts more frequently.
Air carries various contaminants that are hidden there as the in-coming air is pushed through the duct system. What you may not know is that whatever came into the house from the vents was sucked out of the house and swirled around the duct system.
It is a total waste of time, energy, and cleaning fluid if your air ducts are filthy, this is because whatever dust or dirt particles that are inside the duct system will be blown out over time.
Pollutants Found in the Duct Systems
While it is not surprising to find certain deposits that pollute your home as the air ducts circulates air but there are things that are found in there that could be scary. Here are a few:
Viruses and Bacteria
As shocking as this might seem it is not far-fetched. These micro-organisms thrive wherever there is dirt and dust. Many air duct systems have Ultraviolet lights installed to tackle this menace. When cleaning your duct you can employ sanitizer to kill these organisms. Filters can also help to keep them out of your home. -
Pet hair and Allergens
if you keep pets, finding animal hair shouldn’t come as a surprise to you especially if you know that the air indoors keeps circulating, and so some animal fur could be picked up and carried into the duct. Also as humans we shed dead skin all the time which floats around and can be seen when a ray of light shine across the room. These dead skin cells can also be carried into the duct. Pollen from flowers in the home or blown into the home from outside are moved into the duct system. And so it is imperative that you attend to the air intake system when you are cleaning your duct. -
Rodents and insects
Yes, you read that right, rodents! Every once in a while some rats try to get smart by using your duct to try to gain access into your home, and for some other reasons they either don’t make it through or end up messing up the duct with feces. If you find rodents or feces in your duct it’s a sure sign that your duct system isn’t properly sealed. In addition, insects are fairly common contaminants found during air duct cleaning. Make sure you properly disinfect your system if you find dead rats or insects. -
Mildew and Mold
As a result of moisture, heat, and darkness which is commonly found in air ducts, the perfect environment is created for mildew and mold growth and spawn. Fungicides might help tackle this problem.
It is without question very important that your clean your air ducts regularly, especially of you have residents in your home who have allergies, lung conditions, or are advanced in age. Also, do well to change your air filter, thoroughly clean the air handler and air intake system. Doing these regularly will help your air duct system run more efficiently and develop fewer problems. Of course, you can also count on our team if you ever need any assistance!